Friday, December 18, 2009


Yesterday Aubyn and I went to SF to have our regularly scheduled ultrasound. The baby's heart continues to look good, the heart rate is consistent and strong. It was at 158 bpm yesterday. Aubyn will be 32 weeks complete tomorrow. The pictures aren't nearly as good now in comparison to earlier in pregnancy as the baby doesn't have much room to show itself. He/she is still breach and has it's legs up above its head still. We asked multiple questions regarding that and the Dr. Boyle isn't concerned about it and explained that the baby's torso is small now and as it fills out more that can cause the baby to flip. He also said that if we have to have a C-section, that wouldn't be a terrible thing, as baby is healthy and that's the main thing.
After the appointment and some shopping, we went ate at Texas Roadhouse with Owen, Leah and Clara. On a scale of 1 to 10, they are some cool people. It should be noted that Clara beat Aubyn in Guess Who later on. This is noted only because I think it has to do with pregnancy brain and should be documented.


  1. Jerod, Aubyn, and,
    Merry Christmas!
    I suppose you are snowed in like we are. It is a great day to catch up on your blog. Nancy and I have enjoyed reading your posts. Don't feel bad Aubyn, Clara has beat me several times in Guess Who. Bob and Jane are here and have enjoyed playing in the snow this morning.
    Love, Brent and Nancy

  2. Your chances of beating Clara are slim, Aubyn... pregnancy brain turns into mom brain which might be worse. It was great to see you guys and thanks for letting me borrow your car.
